Santo Domingo Pueblo

Social Services

Social Services Staff: 

Oneida Cate, Social Services Manager:

Virginia Tenorio, Family Service Worker:

Fredrick Sabaquie, Office of Violence Against Women Program Director:

Rachel Samuel, Victim Advocate:

Monica Coriz, Administrative Assistant:

Social Service Program

Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 am to 5 pm

PO Box 129, Santo Domingo Pueblo, NM 87052

Office Phone: 505-465-0630   Fax: 505-465-2254

Department Overview:
The purpose of Santo Domingo Social Services is to provide a wide range of family oriented services to strengthen and promote healthy families. As well as to prevent the breakup of Santo Domingo families by providing family and child welfare services that are culturally relevant and when the removal of a child is necessary, to place the child in a placement that is least restrictive. To ensure services to clients, the program will refer and coordinate services with other Tribal Programs. State, County, Federal, and Indian Health Services (IHS) to meet the needs of our children and families. The Social Service Program offers Child Welfare services, ICWA services, elderly abuse/neglect referrals, Tribal General Assistance, burial assistance, crisis intervention, kinship placement, as well as assisting family and individuals with the process of applying for State General Assistance, SNAP, TANF, LIHEAP, Social Security, Medicaid/Medicare, and other public assistance.

Program Events:
The Social Services Taking Back Our Community (T.B.O.C) Series provides education and awareness to all ages of the community by providing monthly presentations and sessions on teen pregnancy, child abuse, elder abuse, domestic violence, and other various topics. In the months of April and October we host our annual Child Abuse Awareness Day and Domestic Violence Awareness Day by providing informational presentations with BIA Law Enforcement, tribal and local agencies. Social Services and BIA Law Enforcement also collaborate with the local schools to provide school staff with presentations on child abuse reporting.

The New Mexico LIHEAP, or The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, assists low income families with their heating or electric costs. The New Mexico Human Service Department has started a new fiscal year for LIHEAP applications in October. The Social Service Program provides assistances with completing LIHEAP applications. We also provide interpretation for community members needing translation when applying for LIHEAP.

Here is a list of information you will need:

  • Names and social security numbers of all people living in your household.
  • Proof of household income (wages, social security benefits, unemployment, pension, and disability benefits)
  • Recent copies of your energy or utility bill

Come in to our office for more information. You can also apply online at